Hey there, lets talk about the past first, in the morning i was awake at 8.30 a.m and fetched Yi Xian, Siew Hui, Su Inn, and also Jun Hoeng to old town kampar market to meet Yan Che ( Ke Xin ) for breakfast :D Wan Ton Mee --> the best, Chee Cheong Fan --> one of the most unique type there is in Msia haha
alright, here are some pictures i took in old town Kampar, its really a nice place if you want to enjoy getting away from studies and Moderness of Kampar (which isn't very modern at all) enjoy ^^

last but not least i also manage to get my newest pic ^^ here goes!

now lets talk about today, my car got scratched =/ it was a blind spot accident when i took McChong, Jun Hoeng and Frandy out for breakfast, it totally sucked ): but nvm, life has to carry on . futher later, the internet line gets sucky, all i did was think about you =/
so before i end it, emphasizing on my fans out there to enjoy life ^^ and finals are coming, so why not have fun studying for it too? ^^