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Wednesday, March 4, 2009


today i was being doubtful, i have doubts everywhere i go, everything i think, everything i see, everything~

in the morning i went jogging and the sky looks very dark, it must have just rained, or have been raining, but the humidity was awsome, it feels so fresh right after i jog, so i took a cold bath and set on my cloths, make some calls and off i go asap as jin aun reached my house, i somehow got this plan that we should car pool and not use too many cars to go, so i drove sherren,jin aun, and myself to school, as soon as we reached school, doubting again, should i go inside school? should i stay outside? what if this was another of that incident? went in and yeahs, its another of that incident, i don't want to talk about it anymore, they don't see me for who i am anymore too, so i don't bother, its time to move on

went into the teachers office and talked to the dicipline teachers, they're are very friendly now, how i wish i had them when i had school, as quoted "you don't appreciate them, not until they are gone from you and everything" exactly, but then theres no helping even if i appreciate anyone right now, like another quote, "whats passed is pass, whats lost is lost, whats yours is yours" ;)

after school, i drove sherren and jin aun back to sherren's house and let him pass his forcast result to his father so that his father can drop off the results to his college "The One Academy", looks like i'm sure sherren is going to have a bright future, so was thinking the whole future of mine while i drive, the doubt was outragous, some thoughts were very annoying, some fustrating, some given-uped, its weird, my future has nothing fun, not unless i have someone to spend it with

so i drove the guys to Mcdonald and get lunch, then went to pick up li-ji at school again, he was a lolleroflinger, GUESS WHAT PICK HIM UP > GO QUEENSBAY > MCDONALD AGAIN > GO HOME ! how rofl-ing ggwtfbbqsaucewasabiinchilifriesdippedwithcheesetunanuggetsauceoffishyoil

got my chatbox ready at last! hope everyone uses it well, goodluck to those SPM-er 2008 hope you all get good results!