Ok, i know many ain't going to read my blog, but it doesn't matter
haha, finally i'm going to update my blog, but who gives a damn, haha i'm currently back home for 3 weeks, but i've spent my first week meaninglessly, and now i've left 2 weeks, doesn't matter, haha
somehow i've finally got intouch with my old friends, sherren, shze chen, michelle, and yin yee, we've baked oreo cheese cakes WOOHOO (although i did mostly nothing but chit chat) haha, here are some pictures (:

haha, CREW BAKER!!
actually theres more pictures, but i guess i'll leave it out, wahahahhahahahahhahahah k fine, those pictures have all me only, xD i'm selfish wahahahahhaha, nuff of laughing time for lunch, see ya around guys, hopefully can do more things with you guys during my semester break, we have tomorrow and forever (: